Financial Services Sector
We deliver bespoke and high impact leadership and management programmes, with extensive experience within the Financial Services Sector. We have delivered senior and middle management programmes, along with facilitated projects for frontline staff and their line managers. Our consultants work at selected external venues, at the client’s retail locations, across the UK, Europe the Middle and Far East.
The sample of programmes shown below includes organisational development, consultancy, leadership, management, coaching, facilitation and feedback solutions:
- Executive Coaching
- Corporate Leadership Programme
- Business Leadership Programme
- Leading in a Global Environment
- Developing the Strategic Manager
- Stretching Leadership Potential
- Strategic Insights
- Developing Management Skills
- Leading to be Customer Driven
- Sales Floor Activity Workshops
Our client list includes:
- Legal and General
- Lombard Network Services
- Rathbone Investment Management
- Southern Pacific Mortgage
- Thomson Financial